Fiskeristatistisk Årbog 2006 /
Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2006Fiskeristatistisk Årbog 2006 indeholder data om det danske fiskeri og om den danske fiskeindustri. Hensigten med Årbogen er dels at fremlægge den officielle fiskeristatistik, som udarbejdes af Fiskeridirektoratet, dels at præsentere andre relevante kilder til statistisk beskrivelse af fiskerisektoren.
Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2006 contains a selection of statistical tables on the Danish fishery industry. The aim of this yearbook is partly to publish the official fishery statistics, compiled by the Directorate of Fisheries, secondly to introduce other relevant data and sources for statistical description of the fishery sector.
Each text part is divided into a Danish version and an English version. The Danish version is always presented first. To get to the English version please scroll past the Danish version.
PDF-fil af hele Fiskeristatistisk Årbog 2006
(4104 KB)PDF file of the Yearbook of Fisheries Statistics 2006 (4104 KB)
Årbogen (ISBN 87-89443-13-6) kan bestilles hos
Nyropsgade 30
1780 København V
Tlf. nr.: 7218
Pris pr. stk.: 195,00 kr. inkl. 25% moms
Contents (please scroll past the Danish version in each of the text sections to get to the English version)
The Yearbook (ISBN 87-89443-13-6) can be bought at
Danish Directorate of Fisheries
Nyropsgade 30
1780 Copenhagen V
nr.: (+45) 7218 5600
Price per yearbook: DKK 195.00 incl. of 25% VAT.