Danish Aquaculture
Productionen of live eggs and roe/caviar grouped species - 2009.
Quantity is in 1000 pcs. for live eggs and kilo for roe/caviar. Value is in 1,000 DKK

Species Live eggs Roe/caviar
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Brown Trout 4,805 197 . .
Char 4,025 ... . .
Brook Trout 70 ... . .
Sea Trout 328 8 . .
Rainbow Trout 292,136 22,945 339,148 32,922
Total 301,364 23,786 339,148 32,922

Note: The production is defined eggs/roe removed from farms during 2009, incl quantities reported without a corresponding value.
Note: 0 means less than 0.5 0 means less than 0.5 of the digit shown
Note: '...' means that information is excluded due to rules of statistical dicretion.
Note: Dead, discarded or escaped fish are not included in the table.
Source: The Danish Directorate of Fisheries' Aquaculture register